Complete Guide to Creating Discounts on Squarespace: Types, Rules, and Setup
Discounts in Squarespace can help boost sales and encourage customer spending. Here's how to create and manage them effectively:
Types of Available Discounts
- Percentage off orders or products
- Fixed amount discounts
- Buy X Get Y promotions
- Free shipping
- Category-specific discounts
- Digital product/pricing plan discounts
Creating a New Discount
- Open the Discounts panel
- Click "Add Discount"
- Fill in the required fields
- Save your changes
Customization Options
- Discount name (visible at checkout)
- Discount type and amount
- Trigger type (promotional code or automatic)
- Application rules
- Usage limitations
- Start and expiration dates
Discount Application Options
- Any order
- Orders over specific amount
- Single products
- Product categories
- Digital product pricing plans
Setting Limitations
- Total order limits
- Per-customer limits
- Subscription discount limits
- Date ranges
- Maximum uses per order
Special Considerations for Subscriptions
- First payment only
- All payments
- Exclude subscription products
- Custom renewal rules
Important Tips
- Keep promotional codes short and memorable
- Automatic discounts apply without codes
- Discounts cannot exceed order totals
- Category discounts work only from a single store page
- Maximum 100 automatic discounts allowed
Subscription discounts and certain advanced features require Advanced Commerce or Digital Products plans.
After creating discounts, you can:
- Track usage in the Discounts panel
- Promote via email campaigns
- Display through announcement bars
- Monitor effectiveness through analytics
Remember to regularly review and adjust discounts based on performance and business goals.