Accept Apple Pay: How It Boosts Store Conversion by 2.6%
Apple Pay enables quick, secure payments without manual data entry. Research shows 2.6% higher completion rates in stores with Apple Pay versus card-only payments.
Availability and Requirements:
- Only visible to customers with Apple Pay setup
- Must use Safari browser on supported devices
- Limited to physical products (excludes services, downloads, subscriptions)
- Minimum order amount: >$0.00
- Automatically enabled with Squarespace Payments or Stripe
- No additional transaction fees
Arrow to toggle switch
Checking Apple Pay Status:
- Open Store Payments panel
- Select Squarespace Payments or Stripe
- Verify Accept Apple Pay is ON/OFF
Apple Pay button
Checkout Process:
- Displays for Safari users on supported devices
- Auto-fills billing information
- Shows shipping costs and taxes after selection
- Requires saved shipping address
- Defaults to cheapest shipping option
- Donors skip shipping details
Supported Devices:
- iPhone SE, 6, 6 Plus, and newer
- iPad Pro, Air 2, mini 3, and newer
- Apple Watch (paired with supported iPhone)
- Mac with Touch ID
Known Limitations:
- In-store pickup: Automatically selected when no other shipping options available
- Free shipping: Doesn't support discounts limited to specific delivery options
- Use Safari on supported device
- Real charges apply but can be refunded
- Non-refundable Squarespace Commerce fee may apply
Transactions appear in Payments and Donations panels, though not differentiated from standard credit card payments. Detailed transaction information available through payment processor.