URL Slugs: How to Find and Edit Page URLs in Squarespace
URL slugs are the exact addresses of pages or collection items on your website. Understanding and managing them effectively is crucial for site organization and SEO.
URL Slug Basics
- Automatically assigned based on page titles
- Format: https://yourdomain.com/slug
- Must be between 3-250 characters (3-200 for blog posts, events, and products)
- Always lowercase
- Can only include hyphens (-) as special characters
Finding URL Slugs
- Use full preview mode
- Check in private/incognito browsing
- Access page/item settings
Best Practices
- Keep URLs short and memorable
- Avoid special characters
- Ensure uniqueness across your site
- Create 301 redirects when changing URLs
- Update internal links after URL changes
Reserved URLs
Some slugs are reserved for system use:
- account
- cart
- checkout
- search
- config
- static
- storage (and others)
Changing URLs for Different Content Types
- Open Pages panel
- Access Page Settings
- Update URL Slug field
- Save changes
Blog Posts:
- Set default format using variables (%t, %m, %d, %y)
- Edit individual posts through post settings
- Access product settings
- Edit URL under SEO and URL section
- Cannot reuse deleted product URLs
- Open event settings
- Edit URL in Event URL field
- Save changes
Settings dropdown menu
Important Considerations
- Collection URLs become reserved
- Changes don't automatically redirect
- Create 301 redirects for changed URLs
- Update all internal links
- Maintain consistent URL structure